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Laser Resurfacing

Non-Ablative Laser:

Non- Ablative Lasers encompass En-Lite, Cool-Touch, and Smooth- Beam brands. These lasers are promoted for their ability to reverse photo-aging. They work by heating up the dermis without injury to the upper layers of skin, thereby increasing collagen and elastin production and formation. They are used for mild fine lines and wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and lips. After non-ablative laser treatments, patients have minimal to no redness. However, since this is new technology, the efficacy of these lasers is still in question.

CO2 and Erbium Lasers:

CO2 and Erbium Lasers are resurfacing tools that are used for the treatment of mild to severe wrinkles, pigmentation changes, and photo damage. The energy settings of the lasers, and the number of passes performed by the surgeon, control the depth of the skin resurfacing. As with all resurfacing techniques the deeper the penetration, the more efficacious the procedure is. The recovery time for CO2 and Erbium Lasers is approximately two weeks. Since this technique causes thermal injury to the skin, physician supervision is required. These lasers can produce results similar to deep chemical peels and dermabrasion. Prolonged redness and hypo-pigmentation are possible complications of these lasers.

Intense Pulse Light Therapy:

Using flash bulb technology, a spectrum of light wavelengths are produced and used for skin rejuvenation as well as hair removal. The physician, with the aid of filters, is able to select a range of wavelengths to treat a particular skin condition. Such conditions include broken capillaries, pigmentation changes, fine lines and wrinkles, and unwanted hair. As with all highly technical devices, experience and judgment is necessary for optimal results.